Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The happiest place on Earth is only 5 days away

We are 3 days away from leaving for our vacation and 5 days away from being where they house the mouse!  

I have spent about 6 months doing my homework and planning every detail for this vacation.  It is a much needed vacation.  So, for this pre-trip I am just going to go through our long checklist of everything.

1. game plan
2. car ready (oil change, clean, triple aaa)
3. car activities
4. snacks
5. clothes
6. toiletries
7. camera other electronics (ipod, phones/chargers, back-up batteries)
8. enough memory in electronics
9. Cat ready
10. house ready
11. money
12. clean house
13. Lawn in order
14. Laundry
15. traveling documents (2 copies)

my check lists in my jibber jabber
  As you can see I am already late on some to-dos but that is so I see it as a notification!

This is a generalized list of all the things I do when I get ready to go on any trip.  There is a lot involved but it is worth it knowing you are away and things are taken care of at home and you have what you need on your trip.  I complete and can check off a lot of items on this list however there are a few important items I have yet to accomplish.  I still have time it is only Tuesday and I have till Friday.  Some things you cannot do till a day or two before and those are mainly the things I have yet to cross off. 

To help me along with the packing and getting ready I use an app called Packing Pro for the iphone.  This app does cost maybe a dollar but that is a small price to pay.  The app includes a default list, you can customize your own list and more importantly it saves your list so you can use it in the future.  This app really helped me last year when I went on my honeymoon I had everything that I needed and then some. I am using it again this year to make sure I have everything again.  I have provided the link to the App if anyone is interested.

my customized list.  The nice thing is on any item you can detail to what bag the item is in. 


This App is really useful when you are flying and are limited to what you can take with you.  Also, you will have an inventory when you need to return from your trip ensuring you wont forget anything while on vacation!

In addition to getting ready to go on I have to move desks at work; so I have to clean out my cubicle this week.  Also, we have some friends staying at our house while we are away this means we have to clean house from top to bottom.  Luckily we did a lot of it this weekend already.  Please let me know what you do to get vacation ready.  You can email me at  dislizney13@gmail.com or you can make a comment in the section below. If you enjoy the blog and are following along please let me know!

Also this will be my last post until after the big trip!  My next post will be a trip report as well as clips from the vaca!  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Episode 2: "I just won 20 bucks"

My opinion on the upcoming films Saving Mr. Banks and Frozen. Two films coming to the theater this holiday season that I am excited to see when they do come out.    After listening to this podcast over and over I have a found a few mistakes for instance Ann and Elsa will make 12 and 13 Disney princesses respectfully.  I do not claim to know the exact story of the two films I am only speculating based on things I have read and trailers I have seen.

Frozen Trailer

Saving Mr. Banks Trailer

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Follow The Skinny Blue Line!

Follow the Blue Line!!

This will be our path to WDW!

This week I am going to great lengths to ensure the short car ride is filled with fun and excitement.  Any games we decide to play along the way will be themed to anything Disney (movies, music, parks, etc.). I have a couple in mind that I ran by my husband and I will go into more detail with them below.  As it is just my husband and myself these games are more geared towards adults kids can play them.  This is going to be interesting as one adult will always be driving so it will be interesting to see how we play these games. They should keep us thoroughly entertained and get us ready for Disney Magic!

"Let's make some magic!"   

Game 1: Disney Movie Mash-up

Description: In this game; players will take turn guessing which two movie titles are mushed together based off of the clue given.

Step 1: Player one gives first clue.
Step 2: Player two guesses the answer
Step 3: Player two gives clue
Step 4: Player on guesses the answer
Step 5: repeat 1-4 until all clues have been given.

 You will take two movie titles one of which must be Disney  (i.e. The Lion King and The King's Speech) and mush them together. Note: articles (a, the, etc are exempt)

The Lion King's Speech

Clues should include characters, plots, etc to help the guesser guess the answer.

As Simba ascends the thrown he must go through speech class as he has a stutter and cannot perform perfect speeches!

As you can see I mushed the two plots of the film together, you can basically come up with any clue that will get the guesser to the answer.

Scoring: 1 point for each correct answer the person with the most points wins the game.  In the event of a tie be creative for a tie breaker it can be anything.  (Example: you are one the road the first person to spot a white car wins the tie breaker, or the first person to get a truck to honk their horn wins!) The possibilities are endless.

 Things to note:

1. You will have to come with these before you go on your trip. (After my trip I will post mine so you can use them to help as well as the recording of us playing the game.)

2. It is easier if you come up with the answer before the clue.  I just thought a bunch of titles that you could put together.

3. The hardest part is coming up with titles you can mash together.


This is just like 20 questions with the variation of it having to be something related to Disney. 

        1. attraction at a park
        2. Disney song
        3. character or movie
You can narrow it down to only the parks or just a character if you wish.

Name that Disney tune:

Description:  Play a Disney song on the radio and have the person guess the name of the song bonus points for the movie it is in. 

Variations: humming or whistling the song.

Ariel humming Part of Your World multilingual!

Disney Trivia (more for adults)

You will need a book for this game or a set of cards from Disney's Scene it. In this game you will go back and forth asking questions you can keep track of correct answers or you can just play for fun. I am excited to learn things I may not have known beforehand and will be able to apply it to our trip at the World.

Disney Plot Limericks 

This game will most likely be difficult and very entertaining at the same time. The objective of this game is to pick a disney movie and come up with a limerick describing the plot.  I will be recording ours and maybe I can come up with one to post pre-trip!

There once was a beauty named Belle
Who lived in a castle with a spell
She met a big Beast
Who threw her a feast
And thats how the tale came to tell

Disney Alphabet game

Start with A and think of a character then the next person will go to B... When one person gets stuck and the other person steps in before the player can come up with a name then play will continue the player to end with the letter Z wins unless that player is stumped then the other player may step in and take the win. Characters must be animated

List of Animated Disney Characters
Xerxes in Aladdin the cartoon


Disney Name Game

Description think of a Disney Character either animated or live action.  Example Mary Poppins. The next player will take the last letter of the name and think of a new character (s) example: Simba. Play continues until some one is stumped when person is stumped point is awarded to other player.  

These are just a few they I have come up with a lot of them are games played on road trips already I just changed them to be Disney themed.  If you have and game ideas, variations, or a better way to keep score please make a comment below and also follow the blog.