Today's movie pick...
You guest it The Princess and the Frog. Excellent film the most recent cartoon animated film for the theatres. This was a breath of fresh air when it came to theatres. Disney had taken a break from making cartoon animated films and then decided to go back to their roots (Good Move). A great spin to the classic tale. I love that Disney takes classic tales puts a Disney twist on it. I am looking forward to this in the upcoming film Frozen.
I believe this film came out around Christmas time. I remember going to see it with my boyfriend at the time (Husband now). Now every time I watch it I am reminded of a time when we hadn't been together that long and we didn't know we would be here today. Soon after we saw the film in the theatre. Steve left for Cali for a job. Leaving me at home needing to finish school. Long story short we got married and lived happily ever after. All by wishing on a star!
With all that said, I love this movie. Although Prince Navine is not my favorite prince he is definitely an excellent prince. He has a great accent and loves jazz music enough said. Tiana was a great addition to the Disney Princesses. I love the fact that Disney focused on her being a hard worker. Lets be honest a little hard work never hurt anybody and hard work makes an easy life!
Favorite song: When were human
Favorite Character: Ray
Favorite scene: Tiana's and Navine's Wedding scene
Please share your favorites in the comments section!!!