Thursday, October 30, 2014

Episode 14: DisCRUISEney

Show Links

Podcast/ Blog Links

 Prior to 180 days (Book, Brainstorm, Budget)

-Choose destination/ dates
-pay schedule
-set budget
-Start planning process
-Excursions research
-Join Facebook Group (Dis Boards)
-Book Flight
-Submit Vacation at work
-Brainstorm FEE

6 months (Research, Review, Reflect)

-Budget (Start saving for souvineers/ drinks/ etc.)
-Start FEE
-shop for clothes
-Think about packing (Especially if you are flying)
-10 Checklist
-Start researching desitnations
-Check passport status
-Start planning Transportion
-Familiarity with Ship

3 Months (Confirm, Copy, Collect)

-Final payments
-Online Check in
-Book Port Adventures
-Dining reservations (Palo/ Remy)
-Gather important info on destinations (paperwork,US embassy, Currencey, Vaccines, Country Warnings, etc., Ship number)
-Arrangments at home
-Transportation (Driving, Flying, getting around, etc.)
-Go over reading material provide by Disney
-Check Personal Navigators if Possible
-Expert with Ship
-Research Destinations
-Create 10 day Checklist

1 Month to go (Fix, Familiarize, Finalize)

-Go over paperwork, all important docs (Passport)
-Pay off remaining balance
-Notify banks, credit cards, Phone Provider
-Confirm arrangements at home
-Finish FEE and pack
-Start Packing (Don't forget Pirates night, Formal night, and Stamps)
-Travelers checks
-Confirm travel arrangements
-Update 10 day Checklist
-Confirm vacation from work
-Distribute copies of passport to family members.
-Copy birth certificate (leave originals at home)

10 Day Checklist (Gather, Game-plan, Go)

-Confirm home arrangements
-Finish packing
-Leave in instructions for the home
-Take care of Pets (notify vet, permission to take to vet in case of emergency)
-Confirm flight, Cruise, parking
-Confirm arrival and departure (activities, snacks, etc.)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Episode 12: DisFILMney - Review of Maleficent

 In this podcast I give an update on my FastPass Blunder.  Long story short all is well and everything turned out wonderful.  Then I give me review of the film Maleficent.  What are your thoughts on the film


Sunday, July 13, 2014

disAPPney: Magic Band Budget

Have you ever gotten home from vacation only to find out that you overspent and you now have to pay bills?

If your answer to that question was yes, than you are reading the right blog.  I have recently discovered a new app, Magic Band Budget (released July 1st, 2014), developers David and Kristen Kittle.  This app is the answers to my prayers (at least for the bill gods).  I experienced a hard shove into reality and can't tell you how many times I have come home from vacation, after spending too much money.   In the end making me wish I hadn't gone on vacation to begin with.  If only I had planned ahead of time and spent within my budget (This just happened to me over my May vacation to WDW)


Disney has made it so easy to make purchases. All you do is put your wrist up to the scanner and poof you just spent 50 bucks (which will most likey be charged to your hotel reservations, if you are staying on property.)  This results in a hefty bill upon leaving.  If you are not charging purchases to your room, it is still very easy to overspend on vacation; especially if you are in the mindset of "I am on vacation".  The Magic Band App allows me to do just that, plan a budget and keep track of it while I am on vacation.  The app is completely customizable, mostly geared toward WDW and Disneyland. However, you can use it for virtually any vacation or budgeting item.  I am currently using it for my upcoming cruise in January.  

The key features of the app include
     - Budgeting Menu
     - Countdown to Vacation
     - Expense goal setting
     - Park information, tips, and tricks

Budgeting Menu:

I am able to set a budget for my cruise reservation, souvenirs, Photos, Port Adventures, etc. the options are endless. When I am on the cruise each time I go to purchase an item (e.g. Pictures on board the ship $40)  I can add the cost right to my picture budget.  I can add a description, image (i.e. photo of receipt), etc.  Then I can go to that particular category and view the amount I have left, and graphical representation of that budget.  Back on the main screen I can see what my total budget is and what I have left after purchasing an item.  

Countdown to Vacation:

Just like it sounds you can put in your vacation dates and the app will countdown for you.  In my case my "Set Sail Date"; I have 206 days to go!  Sure you can purchase a separate app with this funtion but those cost at least $.99 if not more; this app is only $2.99 and you get so much more and all in place. The advantage to having the countdown in this app, is the fact that you will know how long you have to raise money for your budget.  You can also, brag to you friends on Facebook how long you have left until you go on your adventure.  A very handy feature.  

Expense goal setting

Set yourself an expense goal. Set aside money each month. Be sure to reflect that in your Magic Band Budget app. You will be able to sleep well and not have to worry on vacation knowing that you will have enough money in your budget for you vacation.

Park information, tips, tricks

This is the best part of the app.  I bought a guide book to WDW with a whole salou of tips and tricks on saving money and getting the most out of my vacation.  If I had this app 6 months ago I wouldn't have needed the guide book.  Let me mention the book is huge and heavy, not ideal to carry around in the parks.  All of the tips, tricks, and info are great and very well organized.  I learned some new trick/tips that I did not know beforehand. If for nothing else purchase the app for this feature alone.  


I have to admit the first time I used the app it crashed but only once and only that first time.  I also have to admit that it takes some playing around with before you get the hang of it.  Once you get the hang of it and you know what you are looking for, it is very user friendly.  I would suggest to the developers to integrate a help menu/ user guide or put a link to a website with this information. Other than that if functions great and I am loving it.  The fact that it doesn't require wifi, will benefit us greatly when we are in the middle of the carribbean with no internet or data.

I will definitely be adding this app as a permanent staple for any vacation that I take (and not just for the monorail that I get to see in the background).  This will help prevent me from going on vacation and overspending; as it is often very easy to do.  As much as we don't want to have to think about what we are spending (let alone keep track of it) while we are on vacation the alternative is much worse (seeing a very large bill at check-out or coming home and seeing your bank account drained.)  

I have already started planning my cruise which is still 6 months away (if you have been keeping up with posts you know I am a planner and this is when I start planning).  The Magic Band Budget is definitly an excellent tool to help me plan I can now get rid of my all of the spreadsheets I have made int the past.  

Take a look at the Magic Band Budget app.  I garentee that spending a few dollars will save you plenty more in the end.  For more information on the Magic Band Budget app please check out the following links:

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Expect a new blog posting soon! 

Apologies for the delay!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Episode 11: As Dreamer's Do Review / FastPass+ Blunder Update

In this Podcast I review As Dreamer's Do since is came out on an early digital release on April, 18. Also, an update from the FastPass+ Blunder.  I am curious to know what your experience has been with FastPass+!  Be sure to connect with me on:

or by email:

I hope you enjoy!

As Dreamer's Do

- For low budget a very good film
- Good job storytelling
- Slow in the beginning picked up when main actor came in
- Very true to actual events, costuming, and sets!
- Overall, decent independent film. I would watch it again, but I would not see it in theaters.

My Disney Experience 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Episode 10: Less Than 20 Days / FastPass+ Plus Blunder

On this Episode of the DisLIZney Podcast I discuss the last 20 day until my trip and where I am at in the planning process.  Also, I discuss the cons of the new FastPass+ System.  Let me hear from you what you think of the new system. 

Be sure to connect with my on:
or by email: I hope you enjoy!

Forums discussing Pros/Cons of FastPass+

Advice Regarding FastPass+

Attractions that are available for FastPass+

Saturday, April 5, 2014

DisSONGSney: Adventurtorium!

Before we start Let me ask you some questions:

1. Do you like Disney Pixer's Up?
2. Do you like Disney's Song book?
3. Do you like new experiences?

If you said yes to any of those questions then this new album Adventurtorium is the newest addition to your Disney music collection.  

     I must say when I was asked by djRom to preview the album and write a review on it; I was delighted and happy to oblige but I didn't know what to expect.  It turns out I was pleasently surprised, I love the interpretation and I think djRom is on to something.  A new way of story telling through song.  The best part of it all is hearing all your favorite songs from Disney in the retelling of Up.  I challenge you to see how many you recognize (There are so many, I love it!).  

     You get the entire story of Disney Pixar's Up with a twist.  You get a great variety of Disney music from other Disney classics, as well as a few songs thrown into the mix that are just plain fun.  All of the songs used fit perfectly into the story it is like Up the musical!   The mixes of the Disney music is just that an upbeat, exciting, new way to experience them.  

     As djRom's description of the album tells us, the tracks were mixed using two turntables, mixers, Serato, and Audacity.  Although seemingly effortless, this in no way was an easy album to put together.  I must say it came together beautifully and as I said effortlessly.  

     I think any Disney fan or anyone who appreciates Disney music will enjoy this album and I haven't even told you the best part of it all.  The best part is that 25% of the cost of the album will be donated to Give Kids the World, a fantastic organization whose purpose is to fullfill the wish of children who are terminally ill and dream of going to Walt Disney World. 


  The cost of the album is extremely reasonable (only $10) and you get:
          - 2 hand colored Discs
          - 4-panel hand-drawn CD wallet
          - 35 wonderful tracks
          - For a teaser check out
   But don't wait to order this album because it is a limited edition, only 500 copies are being made!  

I plan to make this spectacular album a part of my Disney Music Library.  My favorite tracks so far are number 16 and 17 (I will wait till the album releases to tell you the names.)  Put April 14, 2014 at 4:14 p.m. Eastern in your calendar right now because that is when the album will be released!  Also, If you like to hear a preview before purchasing visit radio on April 13th at 8 a.m. Eastern.  #Adventurtorium24 is the 24 hour Adventurtorium release event where you can preview the music.  Again I would not wait long to purchase as there are only going to be 500 copies. However, the album will be available for free from the Adventurtorium website.

For the general Disney fan it is not enough to listen to all of our our favoritie Disney songs over and over.   We like to hear different interpretations and variations.  This album Adventurtorium definitely delivers when it comes to that.  Be the Disney Finatic that I know you are and purchase Advenurtorium.

For more information:


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Episode 8: DisVACAney!





Initial planning

-Buy a vacation planning book

-Do your research and create a budget

-Select your dates (hardest part)

-Select any Dining Reservations

-Transportation arrangements

-take your time off of work

Down the road (6 months to go)

-Do your research (listen to podcasts, books etc)

-Make your dining reservation (180 days out)

-If you don't get them; check on them everyday

-Bringing family members create a FB group.

-Make arrangements for your home (mail, pets, checking in, etc.)

-Make a schedule/ itinerary for the days you are spending there as well as for traveling

-Rides/shows you really want to see (top 3 for both)

-Revisit Your Budget. (include money for souvenirs)
make sure you have vacation days set at work

Almost there (3 months to go Where I am now)

-Confirm reservations (hotel, dining, flights, etc.)
-Confirm people taking care of the home front.
-Revisit Itinerary
-Call and ask any questions (accessibility, Magic bands, fast passes)
-Make sure everyone going, with you, is on the same page. 
-Go shopping for clothes start packing
-If you are making t-shirts or in my case shoes now is the time
-Plan food, car activities
-Create your 10 day out checklist

Stressing (less than 10 days)

-Confirm everything again (hotel, dining, tickets, etc., pets)
go over Itinerary
-Pack your bag (create checklist)
-Get home ready (throw out things that spoil, unplug electronics, etc.)
-Traveling arrangements in order (cars oil change, trans. to airport, etc.)
-Food for car ride
-activities, movies
-Finalize your itinerary
-Electronics charged and ready